January 11, 2025
International: Hebrew
What is SSL?
Why You need SSL?
Browser Recognition
What validation do SSL Providers perform?
What is the strength of the SSL certificates?

What is the strength of the SSL certificates?

  • Your customers expect strong encryption from your SSL.

What strengths of SSL certificate are available?
Generally two strengths of SSL certificate are advertised - 40 bit & 128 bit

How will my customers know the strength of the SSL encryption I use?
The bit size indicates the length of the key size used for the encryption during a secure SSL session. Hovering your mouse over the gold padlock will tell you the current strength of encryption being used:

Hover your mouse over the padlock to view the SSL encryption strength

Hover your mouse over the padlock to view the SSL encryption strength

Why is SSL encryption strength important?
The bigger the number, the longer it takes for computer(s) to crack.

  • 40 bit: It is computationally feasible to crack a 40 bit key. For this reason 40 bit encryption is rarely used.
  • 128 bit: It is computationally unfeasible to crack a 128 bit key. All banking infrastructures use 128 bit encryption. We strongly recommend the use of 128 bit SSL encryption for your site.


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